
"Are you okay, Bitta?" Some messages at 2am when you have already fallen in sound sleep, your sub conscious mind has started deleting those residual memories and now you can't help yourself to remember for what you texted someone that you weren't OK few hours ago.. then you don't have much option in reply to this question and you end up saying, " Yes, I am, Mogga!" This is followed by her 'talk to you in morning' thing. Some talks are this much short but don't ever fail to make sure that when you hang up the call a smile definitely swims on your face. We take birth and then grow old to meet some people whom we chose to make friends and sometimes God has chosen some people already to do friendship with, as we land on this planet earth among those persons. These are those with whom we share our childhood. We learn taking steps together. We start talking in lalling voice and still communicate everything exactly what goes on in our...