The Twilight

The Twilight Of Life Twilight The time at which the Sun and the Moon meet.. It's neither a day nor a night.. It's Twilight When at horizon the land meets the sky .. This is a time when all birds return to their nests after a long day spent in a run to keep their survival on. This is the time when bells start ringing in temples and azaans are called out in mosques. This is the time when sky colours itself miraculously in different shades. All look so beautiful..isn't it? Well this is a time when day ends and night slips in. . And exactly like this one many a time we go through similar twilights in our life which look beautiful and dreadful at same time. We often get confused then.. What is there we should be looking at..! The colourful skies or the setting sun..!! This feels when a hope ends.. When you expected something but it didn't go that way and that very mishappening happen in a grand ceremonial way. You don...