
Showing posts from 2018


        भारत रत्न श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी         (25 दिसम्बर,1924 - 16 अगस्त 2018) अटल शब्द है, अटल भाव है अटल उनसे बनी कविता। अटल सुर है अटल राग है अटल तेरे जीवन की सरिता।। अटल पग है अटल कद ह...

We're All Bad In Someone's Story

Man is a social animal.. Have you heard it. Of course you had. Can you please tell me.. what does the word 'social' depicts here. Either the term social describes us as a human entity means whatever we do or don't is the matter of society and nothing personal here, so with that point of view we all must be public figures. And there should not be any line between us and our stars.. sounds amazing..!:) but no actually. We all are not celebrities at all. Or the word social means just being friendly to everyone around us, a little bit cooperative and that's it. Whatever that 'pados wale gupta ji' is doing in his home is none of our business, isn't so? More or less we all are bounded with this so called social word.  I wonder how deeply rooted this line is in human conscience. We literally don't know how much socialism is needed. What limits should be there. And it is not just about 'pados wale gupta ji', it's more about ourselve...

ज़िन्दगी इतनी भी बुरी नहीं हैं

इंजीनीयर है हम बड़े बदनाम भी है इंजीनियरिंग को छोड़ बाकि सब करवालो अब मुझे ही ले लो साहित्य से दूर दूर तक कोई लेना देना नहीं पर मन है की मानता नही तो कोशिश की है कुछ लिखने की उम्मीद तो यही है पसंद आये और मेरा यकीन करना ये इतनी भी बुरी नहीं है अरे कविता नहीं ज़िन्दगी इतनी भी बुरी नहीं हैं।।                               ☺️ खिड़की से झांकते चाँद की ओर देखा है कभी  आज देखो आज भी रोज की तरह वहीँ उसी जगह से अपनी मुस्कान तुम तक पंहुचा रहा है।। हवा के भी कुछ वैसे ही मिजाज है जैसे हुआ करते हैं।। थोड़ा और देखो तो सितारों ने भी अपने आयाम नही बदले।। तो आप उस बंद कमरे की खिड़की में क्यूँ अपने आप को जकड़े हुए है जनाब।। थोड़ा मुस्कुरालो ज़िंदगी इतनी भी बुरी नही है।। बेग़ैरत सी है ज़िन्दगी, माना हमने हौसले टूटते देखे हमने भी है। माना आफताब रोशन नहीं है तुम्हारी तकदीर का पर देखो तो हाथो मे लकीरे अब भी हैं मुसलसल हैं रास्ते अभी भी...

Brother From Another Mother

8:00 am He is nowhere in class. 8:30 am He is still nowhere in class. 8:45 am No, still he is not here. And just before the lecture came to an end, there is a knock at the door, "May I come in sir??" No, Obviously no must be the answer of this weird question. He has missed the all lecture and now he is asking for permission to get in, no, if you are thinking that he is so sincere person who is only asking to have a seat in class, you are making a mistake. As it was the first lecture so the attendance was to be taken at the end of the lecture and thus the man had appeared 🤗. "Sorry Sir, but u don't know what happened to me today.. " U might have looked at the face of this guy who pretended like he had risked for his life only to attend the class. "What" sir asked.. "Spokes of my bike's tyre broke down, have you came across the hell sir, I tell you it was in mid way and the nearest mechanic shop was no less than 5 km from the place...


She asked, pointing towards my best friends, "Who are they..?" I replied smiling towards my friends..                                                            Lifeline ..                                                  Actually it's not what we have in our life, it's who we have in our life that matters. If you have a right person to stand by your side then all drudgeries of life seems a ride of fun. Commonly this bunch of right persons is known as friends who stand by your side in all your even and odd, who laugh with you, eat with you and sometimes even fight with you but at the end of the day they are the ones without whom you feel life would've been incompleted. As I put my fingers on the keys to ...

It's Time To Write

Hey lovely persons out there.. Many times I fixed a meeting of my pen and paper at my desk to create something meaningful out from my busy dreamy mind but couldn't synchronize my hands with the everlasting thoghts. Actually writing is nothing but an art to provide a canvas to the thoghts of our baffled mind. And for me it has become compulsory to write it all out. So it all took me to the another canvas, not paper this time. An another meeting of my fingertips to the touchpad of my phone on a wide platform 'blogger'. Saying hello to this digital colony of millions of people out there and expressing gratitude in advance as you are all going to be with me in this unprecedented journey of reading and writing. Yes of course it's my first ever blog and seriously overwhelmed with the feeling of a new starting. So thank you, keep smiling. Good night.