
She asked, pointing towards my best friends,
"Who are they..?"
I replied smiling towards my friends..



Actually it's not what we have in our life, it's who we have in our life that matters. If you have a right person to stand by your side then all drudgeries of life seems a ride of fun. Commonly this bunch of right persons is known as friends who stand by your side in all your even and odd, who laugh with you, eat with you and sometimes even fight with you but at the end of the day they are the ones without whom you feel life would've been incompleted.

As I put my fingers on the keys to write my first ever blog, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a story of one such person who came across me the most unexpected way while little did I know, I would be writing my first ever blog on him.
This is Roll No.1 

It is really very strange how our journey of friendship kickstarted and today as we look at each other we really wonder that once we had been stranger to each other.
 I had just started a new phase where I was enjoying the brand new life in college. After school, college gives an everlasting experience of both sweet and bitter memories. This is the place where some strangers you meet ultimately turns out to be a beautiful family at the end. I was stepping up to this adventures journey of 4 years. 

It didn't took me a long time to earn some name for myself there. Within few days I had won the first prize at a college level competition where I had competed with my seniors. Very soon I was made the Class Representative (CR). I had to work as a chain between my mates and the management and also to represent our branch with a consensus in the class on concerning issues. This is why it was important for me to have a good relation with each and every person of our class. And this is where this man comes in, roll no 1. We both were in our first year of graduation and in same branch when we met. He was completely different to me. In very first year  when everybody wants to enjoy college he kept on bunking the classes everyday. He barely had his attendence in class and I don't know how, but he managed to clear that 75% compulsory landmark. He would never take anything in class seriously and spent his whole day outside the college. Whereas I was always regular there. I never wanted to take any day off even if I had to.

As I told before I was CR there and had to convey all the important stuffs to the class. But when I looked at him I was a bit confused how would l be able to manage this guy..?

Later on there was a painting exhibition in college. We all had to visit the place where paintings were exhibited made by first year students. So our sir asked me to take the whole class there. I followed. 

I took whole class in a row to the room where paintings were exhibited. I stood outside letting everyone to walk in. There were two more boys present already of another class to take care of paintings and all that stuffs. It was their first year also and as we see sometimes, responsibilities are often mistaken as power. One of them, I think had taken that by heart. Due to more students stuck outside the room I told my friends to move forward so that the remaining could enter the room.

The boy's ego was hurt, he asked me, "Who are you to give orders here?" I replied him in a very calm tone, "It should not be your business brother. I am doing what I am told or supposed to do." He stood silent there but was not at peace actually. Then I also walked in to visit exhibition.

My presence didn't go well with that boy. I don't know why exactly, he felt so offended.? Then he asked one of my classmate, "who is he?"

And this man, unlike me, threw back the question, "Who are you..??"

I was unaware about it as I was in the last corner of the exhibition, he with some more my class members clustered around that boy and started quarrelling to him. After timely intervention of our sir situation could resolve. Meanwhile I also reached there but before I could know or say anything one of my friend took me to the class and described the matter.

I was in class then and a boy came to me asking, "had you made anything wrong with him..abused him or anything such that??"
I replied, 'No, not at all'.
"I knew it, you won't do so. And that's why I supported you. He asked me about you and I gave him the most appropriate answer" the boy said.
I was amazed as this was the same roll no 1 for whom I always thought that he would not be suitable for class, faught for me even without knowing me. His thoughts for me were completely different than what I had thought about him. Little did I know that down the years this guy will become my best of the best friend. Well this roll no1 was Abhinav whom I fondly call Abhi.

This's how our journey started following a lot of fun together with a lot of everlasting memories together, even we commited some  illegal things too but, I can't mention them because it may not got well for both of us.

Jokes apart, In later events of my life this guy played very special roles. This short event taught me..
the strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation, friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when. Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart and become your
So at the last but not least
This was about the roll no 1 some more are awaited..
Thank you


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  1. How to express my opinion in words such a emotional & heart touching .........
    thanks to the guy who made our friendship such stronger.
    The day was that which marked one more attendance but it makes a date after which i don't whant a attendance i only go to mark attendance to our friendship which makes our bonding to stronger...
    I would like to share how was my opinion to my best friend.
    I just dont like moniters captians & as well as C.R. becoz they are like a ruler always used to give a command or an order which make me some how irritating . Akshay was the cr and always used to say that why dont you attend the class if you attendance is not 75% you will be debare but i always used to make fun of him with all my friends.I thought that he always give me suggestion and behave as master not as a friend .
    But after the incident he not only became my friend a caring person to who always supported me in my exam ,practical , project and more the than theis .
    just ending it saying thanks to god for making you a auspicious person in my life. But it is not end up their are lot more things ta share from mass bunk to holi and project group.
    Thank you

    1. Abhi can't come out of it.. love u bro.. it's still magical... (^o^)(・∀・)

  2. Teri dam todti english or ye innocent writing hi to is dosti ki jaan h..
    Tune reply kiya.. it's unbelievable..
    And yes it was just how we started, picture to abi baki h mere dost...ЁЯШЙЁЯШЙ


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