Late Night Epiphanies ~ The Contradicted Love

late-night-thoughts, late-night-epiphanies

Heart ~ The most busiest muscle of human body.. yes.. you hear it right a muscle it has nothing to do with the emotions.. Pumping blood day and night but still blamed for every shit that happens to mankind..

It took me a long time since my last blog to get my fingers back on the keys to set down something worthwhile.
Writing always helped me to unravel the tangled mind but sometimes the Life gets overwhelmed with so many emotions in tandem that one can't help to put down anything on a piece of paper.
I have always had a fondness for dark as it allowed me to be me.. Nothing i had to show anyone as even if i had it's too dark already that noone would see.. Then the only one I had was me to whom I talked endlessly under the glittering stars and in a cold shivering night. 
Let's move into this darkness together and catch the glittering stars.. how wonderful it's....!!
I won't get you bored. We will keep talking on the way together..
 What about the most contradictory topic of this world.. Any guesses..?
 Love..:( obviously!
The most beautiful thing it's but still crippling the whole world. 
Sometimes you feel like the king of the world and at other your whole world is shattered into pieces and you feel left out.

Tell me..
Have you ever been so emotionally drained that you simply just stop feeling for someone or you start them treating like angels of your life?
It can go either way.. If everything goes right a smile swims on your face without any reason whole day. You are happy now or the happiest.. You start blessing everyone around.. You live in moments and cherish them for future.. Every date matters to you now.. You pick out your best dress and plan to wear it when you are going to meet her/him. Every shit that troubled you before suddenly becomes the flowers of your garden. If everything go right there is nothing that would go wrong in your life.. 
If anything goes wrong..
Your whole life is stopped now..
Every good thing that you ever enjoyed suddenly starts irritating you.. You stop feeling for everyone around. You don't feel what love is because your past experience in that has blocked all your emotions. You get new crushes which lasts only for few moments and you never approach for it because you know putting efforts and your precious time to get into a relationship only to end it after few months or a year is a waste of time and nothing else and also you can't bear the emotional trauma that follows. You get issues with commitment, with trust.. you become claustrophobic when you think that you have to walk through the same path which has caused you pain only.
You run away from relationships and You run..
Yet you want to be loved.. yet you want to get back all your emotions to love someone.. yet you want your heart back which has loved someone like the whole world..
You want yourself again the person who has emptied his every bit to a person who probably never deserved..You are no more the same person again.. you are changed now..
 Love break you into pieces ..
If anything goes wrong..

That's why it is the most contradictory thing of the world which can make you feel above the cloud at one point and can even throw you into the deepest trench at another..

The dark is getting darker.. Do you see the stars..? No?

I owe a lot to my life.. It has shown me every thing that it could ever offer to me and may be many more are there still to come.. Yet I feel blessed.
Like Anderson said.
"My soul would have no rainbow, had my eyes no tears.."
My heart is beating high now causing me a throbbing pain..  It was supposed to pump blood only but it hurts like hell.. I have no one to blame for it so my heart is ..It is not just a muscle..
Let's move more in this darkness.. one day we will surely catch the glittering stars..
Till then I sleep with my epiphanies.. 
Meet you then somewhere in dreams..
Thank you..




  1. Shit got real...... But then again it is what it is...
    Excellent work bro.. Keep it up

    1. A very famous political saying is..
      Where u stand on a issue depends on where u sit..
      This line suits ur reply brother.. as far as it's ok till then it's wonderful..
      Well happy for u 🤗
      And thanks btw😂💓


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