
Showing posts from 2021

Ocean In Me ~ Late Night Epiphanies

It was always someone else for whom I prayed. It was always someone else for whom I begged. It was always someone else to whom I promised to keep them happy forever. But it was never me who stayed with me from the day one to this day. No promises but only complaints. Why I left the very hand which I was supposed to hold for forever? Why ? It is said, "To find the pearls in life's ocean, you have to venture out far past the shore." So tonight we are going to the vast oceans not to dig out pearls, just to sail across the ocean. Did you know that oceans are lesser known than the much talked space. So when we sail to the countless possibilities no matter what we get but as always I promise you to never get bored and see, I make promises to you but not to me, well it's okay, you owe me this at least,ig. Sailing past the shores the world quietly disappears.. All people their hustle and bustle, the running motor cars and the swinging children fades away. The only...


"Are you okay, Bitta?"  Some messages at 2am when you have already fallen in sound sleep, your sub conscious mind has started deleting those residual memories and now you can't help yourself to remember for what you texted someone that you weren't OK few hours ago.. then you don't have much option in reply to this question and you end up saying, " Yes, I am, Mogga!" This is followed by her 'talk to you in morning' thing. Some talks are this much short but don't ever fail to make sure that when you hang up the call a smile definitely swims on your face. We take birth and then grow old to meet some people whom we chose to make friends and sometimes God has chosen some people already to do friendship with, as we land on this planet earth among those persons.   These are those with whom we share our childhood. We learn taking steps together. We start talking in lalling voice and still communicate everything exactly what goes on in our...

Late Night Epiphanies ~ How Dare You

Late Night Epiphanies ~ How Dare You There are some moments in my life that I recollect whenever I feel  low just to cheer me up and get back to work again. It is also one of them when one of the professors in my college once called me up and said, "What are you doing here? Do you know what I feel about you Akshay.  This class never ever deserved you.." Tonight we are not going to seek stars or the moon. Tonight we are not moving into darkness anymore. Tonight there is nothing that we will do for that damn peace. Tonight we will just reach to the peak of the mountain and will shout at this fucking planet " HOW DARE YOU ..?? "   I don't know how am I going to feel about this time after some years. That will probably depend on my course of action then but today when I look back I see a long lane I have walked through. It started with early glorious years where I was admired, accoladed and loved and then a strait way where the life snatched every bit an...

Late Night Epiphanies ~ Healing The Wounds

Late Night Epiphanies ~ Healing The Wounds Not all wounds are visible. Some may not be seen but are there, more deeper and hurtful than anything visible and bleeds. No?  Some say time heals everything but many a time I think that it only cuts the wounds deeper and deeper and it becomes more painful than ever before. In my childhood, I was so much fascinated about the endless skies, glittering stars and the beautiful magic they created together. The night sky was so much thrilling to me. And that was also a reason why I chose to sleep on roof under the stars and the moon. One day I got to know about the Comets. My father told me about that. He would tell me that there was a star which had a long tail. And on my excited question, how long?! He would tell me, "It is so long that it touches the ground and you can even climb up to the sky by it." I asked him eagerly. "So when can I see it?" "In early morning", He replied. So we have got some time fo...

A Tryst That Left Me Unbroken

                                                                              "You will never know                                     How strong you are                            Until being strong                                    Is the only choice you have.."     When I first read this line it enraptured me, it filled me with a fervour and left me in a bit of dilemma that what that condition could be where I literally would not have any choice but to keep moving on. Very soon I found myself in a similar condition wher...

The Twilight

The Twilight Of Life Twilight The time at which the Sun and the Moon meet..  It's neither a day nor a night..  It's Twilight  When at horizon the land meets the sky ..   This is a time when all birds return to their nests after a long day spent in a run to keep their survival on.  This is the time when bells start ringing in temples and azaans are called  out in mosques.  This is the time when sky colours itself miraculously in different shades.  All look so beautiful..isn't it? Well this is a time when day ends and night slips in. .  And exactly like this one many a time we go through similar twilights in our life which look beautiful and dreadful at same time. We often get confused then.. What is there we should be looking at..! The colourful skies or the setting sun..!! This feels when a hope ends.. When you expected something but it didn't go that way and that very mishappening happen in a grand ceremonial way. You don...